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Actress and parliamentarian Upeksha Swarnamali better known as Paba has revealed that her first love bid adieu to this world when she was just 16.
Paba, a lass basking in her sweet sixteens, has met her first love on a Christmas day.
Taking a walk back in memory lane, Paba says :
His father was a Sri Lankan while his mother was from India. After that first meeting, we met again on New Years' day. It was special for both of us.
We used to spend all evening at the church. We used to stick together as we were all youth members.
He bought me my first Baskin Robbins ice cream. The cookie cream flavour he bought me that day remains by favourite flavour even today.
However, one day he met with a fatal accident while returning from a communication booth after phoning his family and emailing his friend.
I still have that email laminated. I even attended his funeral. He was a special one.
(Source : Hatana)